
Out of the 76 Georgia school systems to test at least 300 fifth graders during the previous school year, the Baldwin County School District (BCSD) finished 76th in "reading," according to the results of the Georgia Milestones test.
A total of 52.4 percent of BCSD fifth graders were reading below grade level during the previous school year, according to the data. That ranked 196th out of the 210 total Peach State school systems with registered scores (the 6.7th percentile). In Middle Georgia, only Macon County and Hancock County were below Baldwin.
Meanwhile, out of the 159 "county school systems" in Georgia, the BCSD's fifth-grade "reading" scores were the 10th lowest (149th) during the 2021-2022 school year.
On Saturday, the Union-Recorder ran a flowery article titled "Georgia Milestones scores for Baldwin increase," which compared the most recent Milestones scores to those from 2020-2021, which was the "COVID lockdown" school year. The article quoted Superintendent Noris Price from a press release issued by the BCSD.
"We are committed to providing superior learning environments to foster individual student success and will continue to work toward closing the learning gap that was created by the COVID-19 pandemic," wrote Price in the press release.
Added Price: “This year’s scores will set a new baseline for Baldwin County students' performance overall that will be used in the future to determine where academic scaffolding is needed to address the impact of lost learning opportunities due to the pandemic."
Relative to reading, The BCSD's fifth-grade "math" score was better, as 17.6 percent of the BCSD fifth grade was "proficient and above," meaning that 82.4 percent of students were either "beginning learners" or "developing learners." This ranked 178th in the state or in the 15th percentile.
Out of the 76 districts to test at least 300 fifth graders, the BCSD came in 65th. Meanwhile, out of the 159 "county school systems," the BCSD's fifth grade math score ranked 132nd.
Finally, in "science," the BCSD's test score ranked 183rd out of the 210 systems. A total of 20 percent of the BCSD fifth grade was "proficient and above," meaning that four-out-of-five were either "beginning learners" or "developing learners." This ranked 183 in the state or in the 13th percentile.
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