
Back-to-school time in Baldwin County means different things for different people.
For children, it means that it's time to buckle down and get serious again. For adults, meanwhile, it means that it's time to buckle down and get serious about slowing down in school zones again.
Baldwin County's RedSpeed system once again is active following a summer hibernation. This marks the third school year that local law enforcement agencies have had the system. RedSpeed utilizes a series of radar guns and cameras to document speeders. Speeding citations subsequently are sent in the mail.
People apparently have gotten the message, especially along South Elbert Street and Georgia Military College. It would be difficult to argue that speeding through GMC hasn't decreased at a high rate in the last three years. Many drivers around here seem to have developed RedSpeed PTSD, slowing down dramaticlly, even during the middle of the weekends and the middle of summer around GMC. During the first month-and-a-half of the "enforcement period" on Elbert Street in September 2021, a total of 434 traffic citations were mailed out, or more than $30,000 worth. The most egregious infraction was a motorist who was clocked doing 67 miles per hour through the GMC school zone during school hours, according to the data. Since that time, the number of citations has decreased relatively dramatically.
•BHS Redspeed cameras switching over to "enforcement mode"
• Sheriff's Office launches JMA Redspeed safety initiative; new Midway next
•RedSpeed cams in front of Midway officially up and running
RedSpeed once again began ticketing speeders in front of Baldwin High and Midway Elementary on Aug. 1, which was the first day of school for public school students...
–Photos by Baldwin County School District
Meanwhile, RedSpeed once again reported for duty around GMC on Aug. 2, which was the first day of school for prep school students...
On Log Cabin Road, meanwhile, RedSpeed will return on Wednesday, the first day of school for John Milledge Academy students.
Here are the dates, times and speeds to remember for Midway Hills Elmentary (US 441 South). Keep in mind that trigger speed basically means drive at least this fast and you'll get a ticket speed.
And, Baldwin High (Ga. 49 West)...
And, GMC (South Elbert Street)...
Baldwin2k will update this article with JMA (Log Cabin Road) information once it becomes publicly available.