Old Harrisburg schoolhouse receiving mega makeover


For many years, way too long, the old Harrisburg school property was left to die, a neglected relic of the past.

Then came the resurrection. The property now includes a thriving community garden, a shiny-new splash pad, a pavilion, walking track and playground. Despite all of the re-investment, however, the interior of the old school house, or at least what remains of it, was never addressed. Until now.

The county commission, in conjunction wit the office of Sen. John Ossoff, on Thursday "announced that $1.2 million has been allocated for the Collins P. Lee Branch of Middle Georgia Regional Library System." Essentially, the southside is getting its own library branch.

Collins P. Lee was the first African-American city councilman in Milledgeville history and later a county commissioner. 

Added the press release: "The Collins P. Lee Branch will be housed in what is currently the Collins P. Lee Community Center in the heart of Harrisburg Park.


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Harrisburg's revitalization all began in 2016 with a vision and a master plan – the Harrisburg Neighborhood Revitalization and Master Plan. Six years of countless volunteer hours, investment from the county commission and now federal funding, and the "old" Harrisburg school soon will be "new" again and reimagined.

"Through hope, dedication, support and love we will build on the strengths of our historic community to provide opportunities, education and quality housing to meet the dreams of families, youth, and seniors of Harrisburg. Our leadership, commitment, and experience proves that we can create a sustainable, vibrant and transformed community," according to the press release.

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