
Sides are being chosen around the Old Capitol Building, and the issue of Steve Greer's firing as Georgia Military College's prep school principal doesn't appear to be going away anytime soon.
On Friday afternoon, a total of 25 different Georgia Military College Prep teachers, representing 40-something percent of all of the teachers at the school, signed a letter titled "Vote of No Confidence regarding President William B. Caldwell, IV." Out of the 25 signatures, 21 of them were signed "Anonymous Teacher," while four of the teachers actually put their names on the letter.
The entire letter, lengthy and wonky, can be read by clicking here –> %22Letter of No Confidence%22.pdf
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According to the letter, "we are reaching out to you today to express our great concern and fear regarding the current climate and uncertain future of the institution of Georgia Military College. At this critical juncture, we as members of the Prep School Faculty of Georgia Military College issue a vote of No Confidence in the president of the college, William B. Caldwell."
Perhaps most eye-opening are two sections of the letter that describe Caldwell's perceived vanity, including "when berating administration in a meeting about an error that had occurred with the roster for a sporting event, Caldwell declared, 'I'm so powerful it's scary,'" as well as "in meetings, William B. Caldwell has repeatedly been heard to speak about events happening at the institution and how it will affect his legacy. The wording is often'How wil this affect MY legacy' instead of remaining focused on the goal shared by the faculty of this institution: educating students and elevating their character. The perception is that his focus is firmly on himself rather than on the good of the institution."
The letter also asserts that the school currently is being audited by the state government, something that pertains to "the appearance of a misappropriation of funds." According to the letter, "the audit could spell disaster for GMC."
The five "reasons" listed in the letter, with plenty of background for each, were listed as:
• Failure to follow policies and procedures
• Actions that are not in the best interest of the institution
• Expansion of prep school without legislative approval
• Lack of transparency and merit
• Fear of retaliation
The letter concludes by suggesting that the Board of Trustees "should ask for the immediate resignation of William B. Caldwell, IV. We have no confidence in his leadership."
Meanwhile, the GMC Board of Trustees is holding the line. According to a letter released to the public on Friday afternoon, signed by Board of Trustees Chairman George Hogan, Sr., "the GMC Board of Trustees unequivocally stands behind President Caldwell and the institution’s decision to remove Dr. Greer from his role at the Preparatory School."
Added the letter:
The decision has been made, and we are moving forward. My ask for all is to please discontinue any engagements or dialogue that are creating a disruption for our students; and please do not involve our students in this. Our focus should be on leading our children through this transition so that they can continue in their quality, character-based education, which we all know is the hallmark of this great institution. We have the responsibility to set the tone and example for how to handle this situation.
We greatly appreciate you entrusting GMC Prep School’s superior faculty and staff to deliver a world- class education to your children. We look forward to the future and all that’s ahead as we continue to develop our students into tomorrow’s leaders.
Caldwell informed Greer on Monday that the 2022-2023 school year would be his last as principal, although Greer says that he was offered another position on campus. On Tuesday morning, meanwhile, Greer sent out an email to the roughly 80 members of GMC Prep's faculty and staff announcing the news. Roughly 20 minutes later, according to Greer, Caldwell walked into his office and Greer was fired on the spot.