
EDITOR'S NOTE: Baldwin2k News will have a more thorough and detailed article on GMC's parent forum later today. The parent forum was attended by more than 200 people.
Not all rumors are created equal, and some are more random and bizarre than others.
Case in point is a rumor that's been circulating on social media for several months now, a rumor about kitty litter boxes supposedly being placed in the women's restrooms at Georgia Military College at the request of a student "who identifies as a cat." The second part of the rumor is that ousted principal Steve Greer was fired in part because he didn't go along with the plan to install kitty litter boxes in the restrooms for the student who identifies as a cat.
At an on-campus parent forum on Monday evening, one parent inquired about the rumor and brought it up directly to administrators.
"It may sound like a crazy question, given this institution's history, but I would love for someone to stand up and tell me that there's no litter box in the bathroom for somebody to use because they think they're a cat," said the parent."
Interim Principal Amy Lee fielded the question and stepped up to the microphone.
"I can confidently say, no matter if it's been confirmed on social media or not, there are no litter boxes in our bathrooms," said Lee, adding that any parent is more than welcome to visit the school and visit the restrooms for themselves.
The same parent followed up by asking if any transgender GMC students are allowed to go into the locker room of their choice.
"There is no person at the institution that identifies as one gender that is biologically another that is allowed to go into any of the (campus) facilities that is not assigned to their biological sex," answered Director of Human Resources Administration & Diversity Jill Robbins.
All totaled, the parent forum was more than 90 minutes long, and administrators fielded question from parents and supporters on a number of questions.
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