
Milledgeville found out who Jeff Gray is this week.
Gray, who goes by @HonorYourOath on Youtube, on Valentine's Day released a new video titled "Banned From Town Milledgeville Ga.," which he later changed to "Banned From Public Sidewalk Milledgeville Ga." By Thursday evening, the video already was up to 83,000 views and 2,600 comments on Youtube.
In the video, Gray is holding a cardboard sign that reads "Support our homeless veterans" in front of Metropolis Cafe on the morning of Feb. 6. A hidden camera is set up, and he's microphoned up. Gray eventually is trespassed by the Milledgeville Police Department.
The video can be viewed below...
The South Georgia town of Moultrie, meanwhile, found out who Gray was back in July 2019, when he stood near city hall with a "FUCK CITY HALL" cardboard sign. The Moultrie city manager eventually approaches Gray and asks him "don't you think that's sort of vulgar," and Gray replies "yes it is, absolutely." Gray eventually was arrested for disorderly conduct.
Gray filed a civil rights lawsuit against Moultrie two years later, according to an article in the Moultrie Observer, and sought "compensatory, general and punitive damages as well as damages for pain and suffering."
Already this year, meanwhile, Gray has filed lawsuits in two different Georgia towns – Alpharetta in metro Atlanta and Blackshear in South Georgia.
Gray gradually has moved away from the more vulgar and more confrontational signs and seems to be embracing the "Support our homeless veterans" theme, which apparently plays well to many people's emotions. For example, Baldwin2k News on Thursday listened to several voice mails left on the phone of David Simmons, who is the "villain" in Gray's Milledgeville YouTube video. One caller in the message tells Simmons that he currently is helping to raise money to sue the city of Milledgeville and asks Simmons how he'll like it when his property taxes go up.
Another caller begins his message with the "N word" before going on a profanity-ladened rant. After dropping more N words, he closes the voice message by telling Simmons to "go back to the shit hole country in Africa where you came from."
Simmons told Baldwin2K News that he was merely looking out for his block of Wayne Street and assumed that Gray was a beggar.
"When you see someone holding an old rough-looking cardboard sign and staring inside someone's business, you're naturally going to think that they are asking people for money. So, I called the cops. I run panhandlers off of this block all of the time, because I want customers to shop and eat in peace. I was just looking out for the business owners on this street."
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Simmons also told Baldwin2K that the whole thing felt like a setup.
"I had no idea he was filming. I also feel like he was trying to get me stirred up. At one point, he said 'how is a black man of all people going to call the cops' or something to that extent. I don't remember his exact words, because he didn't include that part in his movie."
Answering the phones around the Milledgeville Police Department also hasn't been very much fun. Chief Dray Swicord told Baldiwn2k News that "our phones won't stop ringing" and that "some of it has been pretty nasty."
Metropolis received so many calls and social media hate that it ultimately released a statement.
Gray currently has 191,000 Youtube subscribers. Based on various estimates, YouTubers like Gray receive somewhere between $3–$5 per 1,000 views. Gray has five different videos with at least 1 million views and one video with almost 4 million. Just in the last three months alone, Gray has racked up close to 4 million views.
Gray also has released similar videos from nearby encounters in Gray and Madison. He also recently was in Sparta, where his encounter with law enforcement reportedly really, really didn't go well. No video from the encounter in Sparta has been released yet.
Sounds like this guy sets up situations in his favor in multiple cities to make an annual salary
It's an entire industry now. Plenty of people making a living doing the same.
You're the editor and make a slanderous comment like that? Keep licking them blue line boots....
It wouldn't matter if police would just uphold the law or even be required to know the law before attempting to enforce it.
Your ignorance to what he's doing is astounding!