
Joshua Hurt will celebrate his 42nd birthday this month at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison over in Butts County.
Hurt recently pleaded guilty to eight counts of sexual exploitation of children and subsequently was sentenced to eight years behind bars and 12 more on probation. Superior Court Judge Brenda Trammell presided.
Hurt back in 2021 was arrested after a pair of child advocacy groups - Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) and and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) – sent the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office a tip that Hurt had viewed and stored eight internet child pornographic images on one of his devices. Each image had a special "digital thumbprint" as a known child pornographic photo floating around the grayer areas of the internet.
Hurt, listed with both a Matheson Road and Clark Street address, is no stranger to the county jail on Old Monticello Road. He was booked for aggravated battery and cruelty to children back in 2013, which was followed up by a battery/family violence arrest in 2020 and a pair of drug arrests after that.
As part of the plea deal, Hurt will receive credit for "time served" since May 2021, when he was arrested on the child exploitation photos. He also must register as a sex offender upon his release from prison.
Meanwhile, a man who committed a string of entering autos back in 2019 and early 2020 was sentenced to hard time. Drew Brantley Goolsby, 28, pleaded guilty to five counts of entering auto and was sentenced to three years behind bars and another nine on probation. Goolsby made bail not long after being arrested in June 2020, which means that the large majority of the three years will be spent in prison. Goolsby also was hit with $2,805 in fines and court fees.
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All totaled, Goolsby originally was indicted on 10 counts of entering auto, five counts of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, as well as one count of first degree burglary. A break in the case came after Goolsby reportedly was caught stealing items from a new construction site on Cedar Springs Point, located off of Ga. 212.
The break-ins were concentrated in two areas – Russ Wood Road and Sinclair Marina Road near Sinclair Marina, as well as the Water’s Edge subdivision and the Villamar apartments off of Log Cabin Road.