
Homegoing services for Damarion Byrd, the youngest homicide victim that Sheriff Bill Massee can recall in his 35 years as sheriff, will be held on Saturday morning in the auditorium at Oak Hill Middle School.
Byrd's casket will be on the stage in the auditorium, and an open viewing will be held between 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., with the celebration of life immediately following. Internment will be at Scenic Memorial Gardens.
Byrd was asleep in his bed when gunshots rang out from the woodline behind his home on Harrisburg Road early Monday morning. At least 17 shots were fired into the mobile home, including one that fatally struck Byrd.
Four people have now been charged with murder, most recently Jerrell Antwon Stubbs, who now has 18 different mug shots on file at the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office. Stubbs was found hiding out in metro Atlanta on Wednesday morning.
Shamonica Kiera Reaves is behind bars and charged with murder, as is Charles Chavez Jackson, Jr. Each is listed with an Earnest Byner Street address on the West End. The two were pulled over during a felony traffic stop in the area yesterday and held at gun point by law enforcement. Reaves and Jackson join Rodracius Demaris Stephens, 39, the first suspect charged with murder. Stephens hid out for much of the morning at the Heritage Inn beside Burger King before law enforcement converged on the parking lot and arrested him without incident.
"It's bad when we have anything happen to anyone in our community, but I don't have tell ya'll that when If a 10-year-old child is killed in his bed while sleeping, that's a terrible crime," Massee said.
The incident follows the murder of Syee Havior, the Baldwin High student who was fatally shot last month after coming home from work. Five males barged into the home at 145 Black Springs Road across the river in a "targeted home invasion." Two men and three juveniles ultimately were arrested.
Earlier this week, WSB in Atlanta ran the article "At least 17 Georgia teens and children shot to death since beginning of the year." Two of the 17 victims mentioned in the article were from Baldwin County.