
Tuesday's city/county government SPLOST referendum passed by a 61.7 to 38.3 percent margin (1,245 "yes" votes to 774 "no" votes).
Per usual, voter turnout was minimal at 7.2 percent. In other words, roughly 13-out-of-every-14 registered voters in Baldwin County decided to sit this one out.
The outcome of the vote means that the city/county's SPLOST will continue for another six years and is expected to raise roughly $56 million for a myriad of local projects.
City and county leaders touted this SPLOST as a way to repair and refurbish roads, as well as a way to improve water and sewerage infrastructure.
A late push was made by the 100 Black Men of Milledgeville and Oconee to vote no to the referendum, touting proposed funding to The Depot museum on the campus of Central State Hospital. A flyer touted the museum as a "Confederate Museum," even though the plan for the museum is to include a range of exhibits, including Native American and African-American ones.
"If this SPLOST passes our community will be paying higher prices at the cash register for the next (six) years, with our money helping to support the CONFEDERACY !!!!" read a text message that was circulating.
Here's a very general overview of how the city and county plan to distribute the money:
“City and County Government” projects:
(1) public safety facilities and equipment and county-wide communication system
(2) parks and recreational facilities, equipment and improvements
(3) economic development projects including airport improvements
••• Development Authority of Milledgeville and Baldwin County industrial park improvements
••• greenway park improvements
••• Central State Redevelopment Authority improvements
••• Antebellum Capitol Museum improvements
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“County Government” projects
(1) fire protection and public safety facilities and equipment (two new fire stations across the river)
(2) public building facilities, equipment and improvements and related equipment
(3) public works infrastructure to include the expansion, renovation, upgrading and extension of water, sewer, storm drainage, and flood control facilities, road, street, sidewalk, and bridge improvements
“City Government” projects:
(1) various items of equipment and other property for public works projects, including the construction and resurfacing of public streets and roadways within the corporate limits of the City
(2) acquisition of capital improvements, various items of equipment and other property for municipal buildings and other City owned facilities
(3) acquisition of capital improvements various items of equipment and other property in furtherance of public safety, to include the City of Milledgeville Police and Fire Departments