
For many years, there was exactly one coffee place in Milledgeville. Its name was Blackbird Coffee, and it had the whole town to itself.
Then, sort of like Dollar Generals, coffee businesses began sprouting up from the ground on North Columbia Street. First was Starbucks in 2007 and then Dunkin Donuts in 2013, and now the North Columbia business corridor is slated to get another coffee spot, as "7 Brew Drive Thru Coffee" is coming to town, according to The Telegraph in Macon.
7 Brew will set up shop at 1801 North Columbia Street, which is the small property beside the Goodwill shopping center, just up the hill from Lowe's. The property originally opened as a Bruster's Real Ice Cream in 2002, and it later went through several business incarnations after Bruster's closed. Most recently, it was a title loan business.
The property is a natural fit for 7 Brew, which is drive-thru only and doesn't require much land. Matthew Davis, the developer, told Baldwin2k News that the Milledgeville 7 Brew remains in the design phase, and it's not immediately clear if it will be a complete tear-down. No target opening date has been set.
7 Brew's entire menu can be viewed by clicking –>Full Menu.pdf. The business "prides itself on serving more than just coffee, "according to THIS PRESS RELEASE. "The experience of 7 Brew Coffee includes energy drinks, Italian sodas, smoothies, teas and more."
Davis, the CEO of Davis Companies out of Albany, certainly is betting big on 7 Brew. All totaled, 76 different 7 Brews are planned for Georgia, including one in Macon and one in Warner Robins.
"We love the Milledgeville market. We think that there are a lot of exciting things going on in Milledgeville, and we're looking forward to opening," Davis said.
So, just for the heck of it, whatever became of Bruster's? Well, it turns out that Bruster's is still alive and kicking, just not in Milledgeville. Bruster's had a record year in 2022, and there are still 26 different Bruster's locations around Georgia.