
Removal or Attempted Removal of Weapon from Public Official.
It's certainly not a criminal charge that you see often around here, but it's exactly what one Mt. Pleasant Church Road man is charged with, along with three other felonies.
All totaled, Wendell Glenn is being charged with aggravated assault, felony obstruction of an officer, felony fleeing/attempting to elude, DUI, driving with a suspended license, as well as a myriad of smaller traffic violations.
It all began around 11 o'clock Saturday night, when a Milledgeville Police Department officer was approaching the four-way stop sign near Doles Boulevard, according to the officer's narrative in the incident report. Added the narrative: "As I was slowing down preparing to stop at the intersection, a black four door sedan approached on the west side of the intersection from East Montgomery Street and failed to stop at the stop sign and almost struck my vehicle as it turned. I looked in my driver’s sideview mirror and noticed the vehicle had crossed over the center line and was straddling the north and southbound lanes while traveling southbound."
The officer then activated his blue lights, and Glenn sped up, running the Elbert/Hancock red light, which caused two different vehicles to "slam on brakes to avoid the collision." The chase then picked up down Elbert Street and past Georgia Military College. Glenn then did a quick U-turn by the Shrimp Boat and then made a right onto Underwood Road. Once on Underwood Road, Glenn took out mulitple mailboxes before turning onto Nelson Road, according to the incident report.
That's when things became extra dicey. Added the narrative: "The driver made a big circle in the front yard of 475 Nelson Road before entering back onto the roadway of Nelson Road and drove straight at my vehicle. Before I had time to react, the driver intentionally struck my vehicle around my driver’s door and drivers’ side front tire. He then continued accelerating and began pushing my vehicle with his vehicle."
Glenn then took off on foot before falling into some bushes. At this point, according to the incident report, he threw his hands up and said "I give up!" That was just the beginning, however.
Added the narrative: "I told Glenn to roll over and at that time Glenn stated, 'I’m not going back to jail, I just got out of jail," and then he proceeded to grab me which caused me to fall on top of him. I began to struggle with Glenn and during the struggle I felt Glenn grabbing my holster.
"Glenn began pulling at my firearm at which time I grabbed my firearm and holster with my right hand, pulled it up into my hip and ribcage area to secure it and then struck Glenn several times in the chest, shoulder and head area with my radio that was still in my left hand. After this Glenn released his grip and I quickly pushed myself off him and fell back. Glenn then got back to his feet and as I was getting up, Glenn pushed me back down and began running away as I fell."
Glenn, who "reeked of alcohol," began running again before tripping and falling in some more bushes again. After that was a foot chase through the woods behind Nelson Road. The officer ultimately was able to catch up and grab Glenn by Glenn's pullover, and another skirmish ensued. Backup arrived after several minutes, and Glenn ultimately was handcuffed.