
Martin Luther King, Jr. would've turned 95 on Monday.
To commemorate, a number of celebrations are planned around Milledgeville. The SCLC's annual march will form at Huley Park at 11 a.m. on Monday. The parade route will go through downtown Milledgeville and eventually to Flagg Chapel Baptist. Flagg Chapel's annual event begins at noon. This year's keynote speaker is Gerald Griggs, who is Georgia's NAACP president...
The scene returns to Huley Park at 1.
"There will be free food, music, a live DJ, free horse riding and an informal program, which will include the reading of Dr. King speeches, choirs, remarks from community leaders, a speaker, and a special presentation from the 100 Black Men of Milledgeville and Oconee," according to a press release.
Alan Whicker and Gloria Wicker will be honored, while the speaker will be Timothy Maddox.
Sunny, with a high of 78 and low of 46 degrees. Sunny during the morning, clear during the afternoon and evening,
Everything sounded so lovely until the end.
“We tried”
If that’s not disheartening idk what is. I feel the need to quote my mom here. “I can’t have nothin nice”. Wiser words were never said.
Oh! And for gods sake STAY HYDRATED if you want to save on hospital bills. I hate summer.
Member when the river was fun and didn’t get angry and take lives? You could float down hopefully by sunset with only burnt skin that was a problem for later you? Member when your biggest fear were all the scary gar lingering about?
loving that suit! That hippie has style and wears it well.